viernes, 30 de abril de 2021

Not Anymore de Mariana Hernández Arboleda

She was alone in the dark, absorbed. She rather she felt submerged in an abyss of loneliness. And she cried. She cried for tears to light up around her. The fear, her old friend was rejoicing in her head, reminding her of everything she hadn't done because of him, and every time she irrevocably listened to it, and she backed off, and stopped, and she limited herself.

She was slightly disappointed in his cowardice, and thought that now, more than ever, she had to count on herself, on her strength, and she repeated to herself that she did not need anyone else, that she was enough herself, and each tear was turning like coming out of a tunnel on a sunny day, because those tears were not of sadness, but of shock, of surprise, and an incredible sensation that she felt unable to describe.

She felt that this moment was worth sharing, but around her she only saw her own light, there she felt him, hitting hard inside her. She came back to reality and accepted it, realizing that fear wasn't enough to make him stop beating. He was there inside her body, strong and constant, and her being shone like the sun itself, because that baby reminded her that she would not be alone. She wouldn't feel lonely anymore.

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